Unlike most SA breeders we have specialised in the natural colours of the rabbits, and are constantly breeding more colours – most simply do white and dye it, we very seldom dye the angora wool unless for a specific request.
Situated on a Dairy and Sugar Cane Farm on the KZN Lower South Coast, just inland from Port Shepstone. Although we specialise in the Angora Rabbit, the wool of other fibre animals has also crept in, including Sheep wool, mohair (Angora Goat), Alpaca and Silk, even on occasion raising a few silkworms for raw silk experiments!
These are used to create exclusive garments and accessories for the home. We breed the rabbits, harvest the wool, spin it and create woven, knitted crochet and felted items. The Angora is all worked in natural colour, but the sheep wool is occasionally dyed. All work is done on site.
Accessories Jewellery and Clothing Crafts and Curios Tour 3 Where to Shop
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