This lush little coastal reserve is 20 km south of Margate on the lower south coast. At present Mpenjati caters essentially for the day visitor. The 60 hectare reserve comprises a system of interlinking wetlands, grasslands and dune forests.
The most popular activities are birding, fishing, swimming, and hiking. Two picnic sites on each bank of the Mpenjati River have barbecue facilities, ablution blocks, and a chidren’s playground.
The Ipithi trail on the south bank is 1,2 km long and offers visitors the opportunity of sighting blue, red and grey duiker and bushbuck. The Yengele trail on the north bank is 1,8 km long and is routed through one of the largest dune forests on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast. The forest is home to forest antelope and a host of bird species, as well as a breeding pair of Fish Eagle. Observation platforms on both trails provide breathtaking views of the lagoon, wetland system and the coast. The lagoon is ideal for canoeing, windsufing, fishing and swimming.
Entry fees are collected by a roving field ranger.
Bird Watching Childrens Play Area Cycling, Hiking or Walking Trails Picnic Area and View Sites What to Do
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